The Variations On Names Of Cheeses Define The Area They

The Variations On Names Of Cheeses Define The Area They Come From

Cheese, like wine, is something that can have a lot of variation from area to area, with hundreds of techniques available for creating different kinds of cheeses. And just as there are many variations of cheese, there are many different names of these cheeses to go with them. There is not right or wrong way to name a cheese, though if you have a homemade cheese you want to sell, there are plenty of options for coming up with names of the cheeses you make.

Where you are

Many of the names of cheeses come from where the cheese was produced, again sharing a similarity to many wines that are often named for regions in which they were made. If the location that you select is your farm, then the names of your cheeses are something like a brand name, identifying your product with where you created it.

The name of one cheese that was 스포츠중계 determined by this method is Maytag blue cheese, which is made at the Maytag Dairy Farms in Iowa. One interesting variation is Roquefort, which is actually named after the caves of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, which is where this blue cheese gets the mold that makes up...

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