The Misinterpreted Code

Dan Brouwn’s mystery/detective novel “The DaVinci Code,” published in 2003, has sold more than 40 million copies and its narrative was made into a script for the needs of the recently released Columbia Pictures film carrying the same title. This worldwide bestseller has been translated into 44 languages and is currently the sixth biggest selling book of all time. Can you imagine which one holds the first place on that bestseller list? Well, it is the Bible.

By examining Christianity and traveling through history, Brown’s book invites the reader to reconsider what is firmly believed for centuries now in relation to Jesus Christ’s deeds and life choices. Offering a conspiracy theory, 주소모음 which is headed by the organization of Opus Dei belonging to the Catholic Church to cover up the “true” story of Jesus, the plot of the novel has helped generate popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and the role of Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity.

But regardless of the glowing reviews it received from the New York Times, People Magazine and the Washington Post, the book has been heavily critiqued by many...

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